The Scent of Distant Family
Set against the backdrop of a remote location in the throes of rapid development, Nik Delaney leaves a respected career in wildlife biology to return home to Wyoming. In the Rocky Mountain winter, every relationship Nik has wears even thinner as she cares for her aging father, faces a crumbling marriage, and parents Finn, the son of her antagonistic brother. Then Zolo, her foster dog, runs away.
Nik's search for Zolo in the vast and unforgiving landscape introduces her to the eccentric residents of the high sagebrush, including a rancher trying to run an ecolodge in oil country and a displaced herd of wild mustangs led by a mare called Tess. Zolo and Tess learn to rely on each other to thrive, but even with her father's life at stake, Nik resists relying on the desert's scattered community.
This story of loyalty and deception in western Wyoming expands our sense of who we choose to consider family.
There’s no place quite like Maine. It’s Vacationland. The birthplace of L.L. Bean and the whoopie pie. Maine’s landscape encompasses mountains, forests, beaches, islands, and even a desert! The winters are long and brutal, and the summers are plagued by black flies, venomous caterpillars, and tourists. But despite these challenges, and in part because of them, the people who call Maine home are some of the most generous, hard-working folks you’ll ever meet. They never fail to show up (even in knee-deep snow) to support their communities.Maine Character Energy is a charity collection of 11 written works that celebrate Maine’s small towns, rugged wilderness, rocky coasts, and the everyday characters that make the Pine Tree State special. The authors include: Shannon Bowring, Paul Carro, Charlotte Crowder, Cynthia Graae, Karen Menzel (nee Bovenmyer), Mary E. Plouffe, Bruce Pratt, sid sibo, Michelle Soucy, Clif Travers, and Lara Tupper.All proceeds from the collection will be donated to Everytown for Gun Safety in honor of the victims, survivors, and families of the Lewiston-Auburn massacre that took place on October 25, 2023. Rogue Owl Press, its editors, and its authors are not affiliated or endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety. We are authors who hold Maine close to our hearts and want to help the best way that we can.