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Dec 23, 2024

2 min read




Play Twice as Hard!

Everything is better when shared, right? Writers are urged to double up the ways each word or image can act in a story, so that a character description also helps set a mood, or illustrate how the place of the story functions in its chosen time. In a workshop I led for Jackson Hole Writers last August, we talked about how our work also doubles as our play, our way to explore the many what-ifs a story lifts into a flexible mind. In the same pattern, when my novel The Scent of Distant Family was ready to meet readers, working whatever story magic it can, I also wanted it to serve a second purpose--to contribute to animal welfare efforts across the country. By living simply, I would be able to share all author proceeds with the people, organizations and animals who share so much of their lives improving the lives of others.

The first two checks have been written! And sharing that news with you helps double my pleasure, because it is your money that is moving onward. Like a riverbed, I can be a pathway for the flow, one of so many currents of caring and kindness that will help the evolution of our species and our societies toward ways of being in partnership with all the beings of this special planet.

The first organization we join our energy with is the one whose director's unquestioned dedication provided the first seed for the story--The Animal Humane Association of Star Valley, and its shelter facility, Lucky's Place.

interior hallway at Lucky's Place

And please enjoy this PLAYFUL video from the second organization, that shares its expertise and energy and funding all across the country, helping with disasters and emergencies and with everyday operations at over 4000 network partners working to bring the whole U.S. to a new community-centered model of animal sheltering--within the NEXT YEAR! All gifts are triple-matched through the end of the month.

Dec 23, 2024

2 min read





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