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Hammock Read--you won't fall asleep

Jul 3, 2021

1 min read




If your annual cycle offers summer space for slowing down in the heat, you might be looking for a 'good book' to take into the hammock you've strung between two shady streamside cottonwoods. If you follow the kinds of happenings on this blog, you may appreciate this recommendation.

Joining the growing list of great stories showing polyphonic glimpses into worlds unfamiliar to mainstream audiences, Sharks in the Time of Saviors illuminates a contemporary Hawaii through the 5 voices of one family. Rather than a single Hero's Journey, or a single savior, Kawai Strong Washburn brings to life the tangled relationships of these individuals not just to each other but also to their times, their mythologies, and their landscapes, whether that be the Hawaiian homeland or the ambitions rising in California or Spokane.

So here's to all of us, and to learning what the land has already planted inside our souls. Let this story unfurl those leaves, and may summer's sun bring your fruits to ripeness.

Jul 3, 2021

1 min read





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